
 Agave - uniting about two hundred species of the genus of evergreen plants of the asparagus. In agaves short stem on which the outlet elongated spiny leaves. Under natural conditions, these plants are found in Mexico. Brought from America agave grown in tropical countries as an ornamental plant and for the fiber extracted from the leaves ...
 Agave - uniting about two hundred species of the genus of evergreen plants of the asparagus. In agaves short stem on which the outlet elongated spiny leaves. Under natural conditions, these plants are found in Mexico. Brought from America agave grown in tropical countries as an ornamental plant and for the fiber extracted from the leaves of some species. For fiber going to manufacture coarse cloth, cordage, rope, twine, sponges, brushes, mats, sisal agave grown, Cantal and agave agave furkroidnuyu.