Trip to the beautician will be free

 To get an appointment with a beautician, not necessarily written in expensive beauty salons. It is enough to get a referral to a specialist from your doctor in the clinic, and take a course or make cosmetic procedures can be totally free. This is our bright and very near future.

In a short time in any hospital can be to find a beautician's office, and problem skin will be the main indication for his visit. In such offices specialists will be required to conduct a comprehensive survey covers your body (epidermis, vessels, superficial muscles, sebaceous glands, and subcutaneous tissue). For this purpose rooms equipped with modern cosmetic technology. After the diagnosis of the patient be treated with.

The list provided by a beautician in the clinic free services also includes exfoliation, cryomassage, kriooroshenie injections against scarring and mesotherapy.

Rules and procedure of such procedures have already been approved by the Ministry of Health of Russia.