Women give birth 40 most intelligent and healthy children

 Contrary to all previously existing facts scientists of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child nutrition concluded that children starorodyaschimi women are less susceptible to both physical and psychological diseases.

Women over 40 are more balanced, and they are wise approach to child-rearing. In critical situations, they behave calmly and quickly make the right decisions, especially accidents and when a child needs hospitalization. Although similar to the circumstances of adult mothers comes much less frequently. This can be explained as a great life experience and better skills for women 40 to control their own emotions and behavior.

As practice shows, starorodyaschimi mom also used to make vaccines their kids that safeguard them from a number of serious diseases at an early stage of development of the organism.

In addition, the researchers noted a higher level of IQ of children. And their vocabulary is much broader.

This is the conclusion reached by scientists watching 1100 children born to mothers over 40 years old.