Stockings golf (golf) - a kind of hosiery knee-length. Knee-length stockings are truncated (or elongated socks) with an elastic band. The name of this article of clothing (like some others, see. for example, golf pants, collar golf) gave the British sports golf game. Originally stockings worn exclusively male athletes, but in the twentieth century and women drew attention to the item of clothing. Of particular popularity of golf got in the 1960's, when entered into a fashion mini skirts. Golf is now part of uniforms (school, scout, military, etc..d.), Sports wear or a casual style clothing (for leisure time and recreation). In a business suit socks are permissible only if they are worn under trousers and have a neutral color. Socks made of natural or synthetic knitted fabric with the mandatory inclusion of elastic threads. Golf is a kind of leggings.
Stockings Golf
Stockings golf (golf) - a kind of hosiery knee-length. Knee-length stockings are truncated (or elongated socks) with an elastic band. The name of this article of clothing (like some others, see. Eg, pants, golf, golf-collar) gave the British sports game of golf. Originally stockings worn exclusively male athletes, but in the twentieth century ...