
 Fawn - pale yellow color. The name comes from the French word paille (straw). Different shades of yellow flowers in vogue at the beginning of the XIX century, and straw color has become one of the most fashionable. Usually, this kind of color painted silk, semi-silk and woolen cloth. He is well in tune with Blondie, fashionable Persian shawls ...
 Fawn - pale yellow color. The name comes from the French word paille (straw). Different shades of yellow flowers in vogue at the beginning of the XIX century, and straw color has become one of the most fashionable. Usually, this kind of color painted silk, semi-silk and woolen cloth. He is well in tune with Blondie, fashionable Persian shawls and was often used for ballroom toilets. Fawn different set of colors - he could have silver, gray, red and Share podton ladies with dark eyes and hair. However, straw color used and men - their mother sewed this color coats, pants and summer coat. Today the color is still relevant.