Divorce - causes and consequences

Divorce - causes and consequences
 Psychologists have found that divorce on the strength of stress for women is in second place after losing a loved one. Therefore, even before her marriage the young couple is worth reflecting on the sad subject: divorce - causes and consequences, and perhaps try to calculate in advance the possible critical situations, to get acquainted with the pitfalls of family life and the consequences of its possible crash.

Causes of divorce may be several:

Marriage of passion. The relations originally lay sex, passionate, fiery, passionate, when the brain does not work and all the desires of the flesh dictates. But if people other than sex nothing in common - common interests, common philosophy of life, the overall operation and so on., Sooner or later, such a marriage fall apart. So before you make or accept an offer worth always think about it. Although usually think in this situation is nothing. The brain is asleep.

Treason. This is one of the main causes of divorce. Infidelity your favorite halves make virtually impossible. Especially if you changed your half not once, not twice, but did so with an enviable constancy. There are a commonplace phrase - "Treason - not a reason for divorce." But in practice, especially when it comes to a young couple and both lack the wisdom of life, but in excess of pride, divorce seems the most natural way out of the situation. And listen to the older generation with their "wise counsel" no one will.

"I do not get along." The usual situation, when two people were in the same boat, suddenly discover that they can not even agree among themselves about the simplest things. A yield, to compromise, to respect the opinion of their partner they had not been taught.

The first child. This is a difficult test for a young family. And only the inner seriousness, the ability to sacrifice their own selfish desires and, of course, true love will be able to maintain and strengthen the family. And if one of the parents will not be able to sacrifice their own interests for the sake of a common goal, most likely, the family falls apart.

People get divorced because of repairs, dismissal from work, not cooked dinner and scattered around the house socks. But it's all just an excuse to go and write a statement. The root causes lie in the inability to love, the inability and unwillingness to understand and accept the other person, the reluctance to change a little for the sake of a loved one, to take responsibility.

Consequences of divorce is not less sad than his true reasons:

After a failed marriage, people often make the wrong conclusion: "all women - bitch", "all men - horned animals." Accordingly, the following relations will be built on the basis of this principle and to confirm it.

Children. They suffer, probably most of the gap in the family. For their father and mother - is an indivisible whole. And one common love alone is very difficult. In addition, as a rule, children develop not quite correct concept of family relationships that then can adversely affect their personal lives.

The division of property. This is one of the most painful fact, as here there is an opportunity to "punish" her former mate, suing or simply "pulling out teeth" in her wealth. Start squabbles around cars, apartments, houses, capital. Divide even children. This is most unfortunate.

Tags: family, divorce, marriage, a consequence of the reason