How to create a set of exercises

How to create a set of exercises
 In order to maintain their body in good shape, and the figures in the order should be carried out exercises for all parts of the body, uniting them in the complex. It must be based on your needs and the initial data.
 Classes to yield results with each workout, you need to create a specific sequence in which exercises are most effective. Developed their own system of training, you will see how your body is close to your ideal.

First, determine the tasks that you set for yourself, and assess their capabilities. An external inspection. Critical of their figure and decide that you want it to improve. Try to bend forward and touch the floor without bending the knees, press, check their level of physical fitness.

Master the simple standard set of sports exercises. Gradually add it exercises given your individual characteristics. Vary the complexity of the exercise. If you find it difficult to carry out any element, replace it with another one for the level of training; Some exercises are difficult if performing them, do not feel the muscles work. Add flexibility exercises, if you have a need to increase the mobility of joints.

Exercise should be varied on Effects. Avoid concentrated stress that accompanies hard strength training. They lead to too much stress.

By the middle of the complex load should increase and decrease by the end of classes. Spread the exercises so that this condition is satisfied.

To exercise one and the same scheme are not bored you update once a fortnight complex, replacing it some exercise.

Important for you to exercise is left unchanged. Also, do not you love me elements. Just a little to modify them and continue to perform.

The complex must match a certain pattern. In the beginning of the workout place, further exercises on leg muscles, press, arms and shoulders, back, and gentle stretching in the end. Alternate exercises that promote muscle contraction, with those that they relax.

Practise on a complex exercise that is right for you, and then the training will bring joy, and the result will not take long.

Tags: complex exercise