Attractions St. Petersburg Peter and Paul Fortress

Attractions St. Petersburg Peter and Paul Fortress
 Peter and Paul Fortress - one of the main attractions of St. Petersburg. This grand plan to strengthen on Hare Island drew personally by Peter I. It happened May 27, 1703, the feast of the Holy Trinity. This day is considered the birthday of the Northern capital.
 Peter and Paul Fortress was designed to protect the city from attack under construction Swedes. Peter conceived as a unique bastion of irregular shape of a hexagon, with protruding corner fortifications, connected by thick walls. Viewed this design is very unusual.

Interestingly, the first fortress was built of wood. But three years later, in 1706, the old buildings were replaced on the brick. Initially managed the famous architect Trezzini. But most of the buildings were built a very long time, so they labored over many generations of architects.

Today, St. Petersburg and guests can witness the perfect ensemble, which includes the Peter and Paul Cathedral, Engineering and Commandant's House, Mint, Main Treasury, artillery arsenal, guardhouse, Boathouse and other facilities.

Although the castle was established as a powerful fortification, in fact it was never used for its intended purpose. Most often, it served as a political prison. In its dungeons was imprisoned son of Peter I Tsarevich Alexei. Then there languished famous princess Tarakanova - one that posed as the daughter of Elizabeth. Later in the prison fortress were concluded Decembrists were there and Nikolai Chernyshevsky, Maxim Gorky ... I think that to escape from the impregnable walls impossible. And indeed, in the history of the fortress anyone failed.

One of the finest jewels of the ensemble is the Peter and Paul Cathedral. It was built over 10 years by the architect Trezzini. High golden spire with a flying angel became a symbol of the northern capital. At the southern wall of the temple buried Peter the Great himself. Also found here the last refuge of Alexander II c wife and the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II and his family.

To date, the territory of the fortress opened several permanent exhibitions. For example, in the Trubetskoy bastion can learn about the history of political prison. In the Commandant's House - St. Petersburg on 1703-1917 years. Those interested can visit the necropolis of the Romanov family, Gas Dynamics Laboratory, workshop and printing. In addition, the fortress regularly hosts interesting temporary exhibitions. In the summer of 2012 brought here from Paris of the great Rodin.

Tags: Petersburg, strength, exposure, cathedral, landmark